
A multichain app and browser extension wallet that will use atomic swap to enable fast and secure exchange of digital assets. It will work seamlessly with KudiSwap, KudiPay and KudiMarket.

The multi-chain wallet

Kudi Wallet is a multiChain App and browser extension wallet. It will work seamlessly with kudiswap, kudipay and Kudimarket

How will it work?

With just a one -click-swap users can send, receive, hodl and swap their token/coins across blockchains.

KudiWallet will use Atomic swap to enable a fast and secure exchange of digital assets across blockchains. It is intended to host blockchains like Ethereum, Binance smart Chain, Cosmos, Polkadot, and Tron. More blockchains will be added as time goes on. Users can also connect KudiWallet to Dex, like uniswap, pancakeswap and of course KudiSwap for transactions.